Hi, my name is Lisa. Before I began selling fabrics I made various crafts. When I was young I remember doing Artex paints, rug hooking and sewing for my dolls. While in college I got a part time job in a fabric store and I was in heaven. My plan was to be a fabric buyer for the company but I found out that it was going to take many years before I would be given a chance. I got married and continued to craft and sew while my husband was in the military.
With so many craft stores closing it has been very hard to find good quality fabrics with designs I liked, then it hit me, why don't I sell fabric online. Now I am in a position to sell quality fabrics to others for use in their projects. If you have specific fabrics that you are looking for, let us know at lisa@spanglerstitchinstation@gmail.com and we will keep our eyes open as we go to trade shows and shop with our various wholesalers.
We have really enjoyed this journey of growing a fabric business online and hope that you will find many fabrics that make your imagination soar.